@rigotti wrote:
Hi, i'm having some troubles with the thetvdb_lookup plugin, or the send_telegram plugin or even jinja, i'm not sure.
Here the code I added to send a msg to telegram, but i'm getting a error.thetvdb_lookup: yes send_telegram: bot_token: '{{ secrets.telegram.token }}' parse_mode: markdown recipients: - username: '{{ secrets.telegram.username}}' template: |+ *Serie baixada: {% if series_name is defined -%} *[{{series_name}}]({{tvdb_banner_url|d('')}}) {{tvdb_rating}}/10 *{{series_id}}* {{tvdb_ep_name|d('')}} ({{tvdb_ep_rating}}/10) *Exibida:* {{tvdb_ep_air_date}} *Resumo:* {{tvdb_ep_overview}} [Image]({{tvdb_ep_image_url|replace("_", "%5F")}}) {% elif imdb_name is defined -%} Genres: {{imdb_genres|join(', ')|title}} IMDB Rating: {{imdb_score}}/10 IMDB Votes: {{imdb_votes}} {% if rt_name is defined -%} RT Critics Rating: {{rt_critics_score}}/100 RT Audience Rating: {{rt_audience_score}}/100 {%- endif %} [IMDB Link]({{imdb_url}}) | [Rotten Tomatoes]({{rt_url}}) | [Trailer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v={{tmdb_trailer}}) {% else -%} {{title}} {%- endif -%}
2016-04-12 06:02 ERROR send_telegram get_tvshows render error; title=Lucifer S01E11 HDTV x264 LOL err=(UndefinedError) 'tvdb_ep_image_url' is undefined
If i remove the line of the image, the message is sent with all others informations correct.
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