@Karmalakas wrote:
I ran into problem, when same files are accepted over and over. Shouldn't
plugin reject them if particular movie was already accepted? Lets say I download a movie one time, then delete file (soexists_movie
plugin can't find it anymore) and it gets accepted on other search. Here's my config part for movies:imdb_lookup: yes trakt_lookup: yes exists_movie: path: '{? files_watch.movies ?}' type: files allow_different_qualities: better discover: what: - trakt_list: <<: *block-trakt-list-movies from: *block-rss-search-movies release_estimations: optimistic: 6 weeks interval: 90 minutes sort_by: - field: quality.resolution reverse: yes set: size: '{{size|int//1048576}}' if: - "size|int < 5000": reject - "size|int > 20000": reject list_match: from: - trakt_list: <<: *block-trakt-list-movies remove_on_match: no quality: 1080p+ hdtv+ h264+ dd5.1+ assume_quality: 720+ bluray h264: dts 720+ bluray: h264 dts upgrade: tracking: yes timeframe: 6 weeks propers: yes on_lower: reject
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