@strifeknot wrote:
I have a functioning task to search for movies using a list imported from my trakt watchlist. I recently added the PTN search plugin to this task and in testing I can't get it to successfully find anything. I have the credentials correct as no errors are produced (I can howver see errors if I alter any of username, password or login_key), I have added movies that are available on the site to the list, logs show that they are searched for (very rapidly) but they produce no results.
Relevant config:
templates: movies: exists_movie: - '{? general.moviepath ?}' seen_movies: strict proper_movies: yes imdb_lookup: yes transmission: host: '{? transmission.host ?}' port: 9217 username: '{? transmission.username ?}' password: '{? transmission.password ?}' path: '{? general.moviepath ?}' addpaused: yes tasks: getmovies: priority: 30 template: movies torrent_alive: yes verify_ssl_certificates: yes content_size: max: 4500 min: 250 quality: - <=720p discover: what: - movie_list: list_name: trakt from: - ptn: username: '{? piratethenet.username ?}' password: '{? piratethenet.password ?}' login_key: '{? piratethenet.loginkey ?}' release_estimations: optimistic: 9 days list_match: from: - movie_list: trakt
Is PTN working for anyone?
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