@Perry wrote:
I have a question regarding the use of "begin" in the config file.
I have my series configured like so:
templates: tv: series: settings: TV_SD: upgrade: yes timeframe: 8 hours tracking: backfill target: stuff quality: more stuff
Now my series are under the template like this:
TV_SD: - Name of Show: begin: S02E01
However, "begin" is completely ignored when flexget reads the config. I believe this to be the case because when I run flexget series list, none of the shows - even though the list has populated, have a "begin" flag. I have to set begin manually via CLI for it to show up in the series list. Other stuff like "exact: yes" or alternate_name work, though (found out when fetching episodes related to series thus configured).
What might I be missing? Does "tracking: backfill" override "begin"? Does "backfill" mean "get any episode from the past, but not the future, ignoring 'begin'"?
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