@Cinder wrote:
I'm trying to install Flexget and Transmission using the Synology guide on here, but it's not working as advertised.
I've gotten as far as the section on "Configuring Transmission" here: http://flexget.com/InstallWizard/SynologyNAS/Upstart
but the commands "start transmission-daemon" and "stop transmission-daemon" don't work when executed as the downloader user. I have also tried going into /opt/bin/ and running the transmission-daemon binary, but it gives me "-sh: tranmission-daemon: command not found" when run as downloader, as root it seems to execute and creates the config files for the root user, but I want to run it as the downloader user.How am I supposed to run transmission-daemon as downloader for the first time to get the config files set up?
This also causes the same problem with the flexget script which I cant get running on boot as a service.
How do I set up and run the Upstart scripts? The guide is incompleteI'm running on DSM 6 if there are any significant changes between versions regarding this.
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